Sunday, April 04, 2010

How to Read and Write Text

Reading and writing to text files had been made easy by .Net.

Following code will create a text file and insert 2 lines to it and will then read it and display.

  1. // System.IO is required for file handling.
  2. using System.IO;

  1. // Creating a stream writer object.
  2. // @ is used before the string to avoid the string getting broken by the /.
  3. StreamWriter stWriter = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Backup\File.txt");
  4. // Writing into the file.
  5. stWriter.Write("It is now ");
  6. stWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now);
  7. stWriter.WriteLine("The End");
  8. // Closing the file.
  9. stWriter.Close();
  10. // Reading the file.
  11. // Checking the availability of the file.
  12. if (File.Exists(@"C:\Backup\File.txt"))
  13. {
  14.     // Without using the @, \\ also can be used to represent \ inside of a string.
  15.     using (StreamReader stReader = File.OpenText("C:\\Backup\\File.txt"))
  16.     {
  17.         // Temporary variable.
  18.         string str = "";
  19.         while ((str = stReader.ReadLine()) != null)
  20.         {
  21.             // Assigning to a label.
  22.             label1.Text += str + "\n";
  23.         }
  24.     }
  25. }
  26. else
  27.     MessageBox.Show("Error, File cannot be found.");

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