Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Microsoft.Ace.OLEDB.12.0 Provider Not Registered

Recently while trying to import some data from Excel onto SQL on a new machine I got the following error at SQL Server Import and Export Wizard Step 2. After doing some searching found the solution is to install Office 2007 Data Connectivity Components System Driver.


If you need to  get it fixed use the following link to get it from Microsoft Download Center.


Sunday, January 05, 2014

Finding Number of Records in SQL Tables

By using the following query you will be able to get all the tables with at least one record in the selected database. It will be handy when you needed to get an idea of the number of records in a database. This uses two SQL Server system views, namely SysObjects and SysIndexes.

  1. SELECT sysobjects.name AS [Table Name],
  2.         MAX(sysindexes.rows) AS [Number of Records],
  3.         sysobjects.crdate AS [Created Date],
  4.         sysobjects.refdate AS [Referenced Date]
  5. FROM sysobjects
  6. INNER JOIN sysindexes ON sysobjects.id = sysindexes.id
  7. WHERE sysobjects.xtype = 'U' -- Filtering all the User Tables.
  8.     AND sysindexes.rows > 0 -- Getting all the tables having at least one reoord.
  9. GROUP BY sysobjects.name,
  10.     sysobjects.crdate,
  11.     sysobjects.refdate
  12. ORDER BY 2 DESC -- Ordering by the number of records in table.


Above query will bring the following results on the Northwind database.
